Frequently Asked Questions

Why Nightollie?

There is nothing like it in the marketplace. Nightollie can have your child or teenager on the Nightollie system within days. No doctor’s appointments. You don’t even have to leave home! We provide clear instructions and online support.

What is the process?

Be sure your child is ready to begin. Does he/she want to stop wetting the bed or stop wearing a night nappy? For the parent, ensure you are committed to helping your child particularly in the first 2 weeks, as your nights will be disrupted and may increase washing! A Nightollie Diary and a Nightollie “Power To Me” Program is sent home to keep track of progress.

What is the best age to start my child?

Recent studies suggest that 7, 8, and 9-year-olds will respond and become dry within 6-8 weeks with a minimal chance of relapse. Children over 10-year-olds to teen years can achieve becoming dry within this same period. However, the initial achievement of 21-days-dry (which is an essential part of the process) may take a little longer.’

My child is too young? (Under 7 years)

15%-20% of 5-year-olds will be bedwetting or wearing a night nappy. With this high figure success of, the Nightollie Program cannot be expected. The process of the Nightollie Program includes a loud alarm which can be extremely frightening to this age group. The process also includes disturbed sleep for many consecutive nights, and a good sleep is essential for the development of children at this age. If your child is in a night nappy, remove the nappy every so often on a weekend. If it is dry, leave it off. If it is wet, put it back on. In this we are testing the outcomes of no night nappy. Rewards are for trying, not for success. A true bedwetter will never get a reward. Does the child wake when wet? Are they wetting more than once a night? If a reward system is necessary, praise should exist for telling parents the bed is wet, or for putting pyjamas in the laundry. Nothing worse than finding hidden, smelly washing days later because the child wants to please everyone by appearing dry. If children begin to saturate through the nappies, try different nappies. Consider lining the nappy with an inexpensive sanitary napkin for added absorbency

Help! My teenager still wets the bed.

In a class of 25 secondary school students, 1 or 2 will be wetting the bed at night! These teenagers may have suffered years of many failed measures: medications, restriction of fluids, body-worn alarms. They refuse sleepovers, and school camps are very stressful.They do not like friends visiting during that day due to the odour. The Nightollie Program is suitable for this age group.

How long does it take for my child to be dry?

Research shows 7 to 9-year-olds are usually dry in 6-8 weeks. Children over 10 may take a little longer to sustain the 21 dry nights. Support and guidance during this time is very important.

Why the 21 dry nights in a row target?

After 14 consecutive dry nights, families that have restricted their childs fluid intake before bed are encouraged to give the child one glass of water at bedtime for the next 7 nights. This is called over-learning and will provide families confidence that the child can remain dry even after fluid intake prior to bedtime.

What if it doesn't work?

What if it does? Nightollie support throughout the process assists in the analysis of progress, and thereby evidence-based decisions can be made week by week to suit the individual child. Not all bedwetters progress at the same speed. Most families who experience setbacks do not give up on the program as the child or teen’s progression far outweighs the negatives. Most children or teenagers WILL become dry using the Nightollie Program.

I have more than one child wetting the bed?

For the sanity of parents, we recommend one child at a time use the Nightollie Program. The older child should be the first, and after achieving 21 consecutive dry nights the sibling may begin. The process to achieve dry nights can often disturb the whole family, and with the additional necessity of parental support throughout, it is less taxing on all to achieve dry nights for one child at a time.

What if my child is not ready?

Some children prefer to continue with a night nappy. Remove the ‘safety’ of the nappy. Waking wet allows them to accept they need assistance.

Is the mat washable?

The mat is easily wiped either overnight or in the morning with soap and water. ( no harsh chemicals)

Is Nightollie Funded by NDIS?

Yes. NDIS Funding is Available for Nightollie Bedwetting Alarms.

Option 1: Direct Purchase
This is for families who will order directly from the website and ask for a refund from NDIS.

  • Visit our website.
  • Pay and ask us for an invoice to claim your payment from NDIS.

Option 2: NDIS-Approved Order
This is for families who want to purchase the alarm yet need funds from NDIS.

  • Visit the Nightollie website.
  • Fill out and submit the NDIS application form.
  • Once the application is approved and payment has been sent, we will immediately prepare for the shipment.

Do you ship to the USA?

Thank you for your interest in the Nightollie Bedwetting Alarm, but we are no longer shipping to the USA.

What does the Alarm sound like?

Enjoy Sleep Overs Without The Fear Of An ‘Accident’