98% success: Designed for children
teenagers, deep sleepers and adults
The Best
Bedwetting Alarm
in Australia
Say Goodbye to Bedwetting Forever
Featured In:

*Only Australian Families Eligible
Submit Application for NDISHow To Stop The Frustration Of Wet Sheets In 6-8 Weeks

Have a child who wets the bed? It’s one of the most challenging problems for parents as their kids grow up. Constant washing of wet sheets…embarrassment and self-esteem issues for the child…and the unnecessary family conflict as parents argue over solutions or sadly lash out at the child. It doesn’t have to be this way. The Nightollie bedwetting alarm system is proven to stop nocturnal enuresis within just 8-weeks.

How To Stop The Frustration Of Wet
Sheets In 6-8 Weeks

Have a child who wets the bed? It’s one of the most challenging problems for parents as their kids grow up. Constant washing of wet sheets…embarrassment and self-esteem issues for the child…and the unnecessary family conflict as parents argue over solutions or sadly lash out at the child. It doesn’t have to be this way. The Nightollie bedwetting alarm system is proven to stop nocturnal enuresis within just 8-weeks.
Stop Enuresis within just 8-weeks
Backed by science
Accessible and affordable
How Nightollie Stops Bedwetting In 6-8 weeks

A Proven Solution Backed By Over 100 Years Of Scientific Evidence

You may not have heard of bedwetting alarms before, but they’ve been used in clinics since the early 1900’s. Nightollie just makes it accessible and affordable to use in your home. The concept is backed by the science of conditioned response. When your child urinates on the Nightollie mat, the alarm rings to wake them. Over time, they automatically link the urge to wee with waking up. Just like when you automatically reach for your phone when it starts to ring!
Stop Enuresis within just 8-weeks
Backed by science
Accessible and affordable
Why Nightollie Is The Most Affordable Way To Solve Bedwetting?
Features |
![]() |
The Old Way |
Affordable solution with |
YES | No |
Dry nights in 8 weeks? |
YES | No |
Expensive visits to the GP |
NO | YES |
Expensive visits to Paediatricians |
NO | YES |
Taking time off work & school |
NO | YES |
Washing sheets every night |
NO | YES |
Sleepless nights & stress |
NO | YES |
The Revolutionary
Bedwetting Alarm
1 x Sound & Vibration USB Rechargeable Alarm
1 x Extra Large Surface Mat For More Protection
Free ‘Power To Me’ & Progress Diary
8-Week Dry Nights Program
Free Online Educational Support With An Experienced Former Nurse
1 x Power Band, A Special Gift For Your Child

Wake Up To Dry Sheets In 3 Easy Steps

Place The Nightollie
Mat Under Your Child
Simply place the large Nightollie surface mat on your child’s bed, connect the alarm device and cover with a thin cotton sheet. The surface mat is safe, flexible and can be easily washed.

The Alarm Goes Off
When It Detects Urine
When your child begins to urinate, the surface mat detects liquid and trips the alarm. Nightollie will begin vibrating and making it’s non-intrusive sound, waking your deep sleeper and also alerting you.

Your Child Links Needing To
Wee With Waking Up
Every time your child is woken by the alarm, the association with waking up and the urge to wee grows stronger. Within just 8 weeks, they will form the new habit of waking up to wee and you’ll have dry nights and a happy child.
Your Step-By-Step
To End
Bedwetting Forever
Watch the short video to see the science behind the Nightollie Bedwetting Alarm in action. This is just one of dozens of educational videos available to help you solve bedwetting faster when you invest in a system for your child.
Shop NowFrequently Asked Questions
Why Nightollie?
There is nothing like it in the marketplace. Night Ollie can have your child or teenager on the Night Ollie system within days. No doctor’s appointments. You don’t even have to leave home! We provide clear instructions and online support.
What is the process?
Be sure your child is ready to begin. Does he/she want to stop wetting the bed or stop wearing a night nappy? For the parent, ensure you are committed to helping your child particularly in the first 2 weeks, as your nights will be disrupted and may increase washing! A Nightollie Diary and a Nightollie “Power To Me” Program is sent home to keep track of progress.
What is the best age
to start my child? -
Recent studies suggest that 7, 8, and 9-year-olds will respond and become dry within 6-8 weeks with a minimal chance of relapse. Children over 10-year-olds to teen years can achieve becoming dry within this same period. However, the initial achievement of 21-days-dry (which is an essential part of the process) may take a little longer.’