Bedwetting often causes conflict within relationships. Exhaustion, frustration, accusations, and continuous arguing re the causes and treatments of bedwetting, can all take a toll. Cultural differences and the perceived lack of cooperation between separated parents also bring struggles and emotional fatigue.
One parent may insist on restricting fluids before bed, the other may prefer to carry the child to the toilet multiple times during the night. One parent may accuse the child of being lazy, the other may insist on medication. One may wish to seek advice, the other may demand the use of night pants to avoid detection by persons outside the home.
If only families understood the true cause of bedwetting— the inability of the child to self-rouse from sleep — and that there is a solution. Often stories bring me to tears. A family who reached out to Nightollie confided that the father became extremely anxious when his mother (the grandmother) was planning to stay over for multiple nights.
Their 10 year old suffered bedwetting (Nocturnal Enuresis), and the father insisted that all evidence of bedwetting be concealed from their coming guest. The father remembered only too well the severe beatings he received when he too suffered Nocturnal Enuresis into his teens. His thoughts ran from a hidey-hole for the stock of nappies, extra air freshener, to a new bin secreted at the back of the property for the covert disposal of used night pants.
On approaching Nightollie for help, we had 6 weeks before Grandma was due to arrive. Most children cease bedwetting within 3 weeks of utilising the Nightollie Program, with others needing a little longer (sometimes 6-8 weeks) but the time frame we had allowed us to be optimistic.
Nightollie’s bedwetting alarm and educational information was express posted to the family to begin that very night, and we are pleased to report complete success with 100% dry nights was achieved before Grandma arrived.