The impact on families with a bedwetting teenager is huge. Shame, fear of judgement, blame and excessive laundry. The teen is often left to suffer dwindling self-esteem, isolation from social activity with peers, and a sense of defeat.
A grandmother contacted me at Nightollie regarding her 16 year old grandson. *Alex was an exceptional footballer, good grades in school, and had lots of friends. *Alex’s mum worked full time, and because of this spent many nights at his gran’s home. The time for a planned footy camp was looming. One morning when *Alex yet again delivered drenched bedding to the laundry, he said, “Will this ever end, Gran?” It broke her heart. Alex had been on medication for 3 to 4 years with NO results. He was wetting every night. Luckily Gran picked up a Nightollie Program brochure from her local GP clinic and made the call.
The grandmother was surprised I was not shocked at her revelations, and in particular, *Alex’s age. While in the minority, *Alex is certainly not alone.
With *Alex’s permission the road to freedom began. Within 3 days of beginning the Nightollie Program *Alex attained progress, and within 6 weeks was dry every night. And I’m pleased to say that Alex has not suffered any setbacks. He is now free from the frustrations of bedwetting, and able to enjoy sleepovers at friends’ houses and participate in camps. His family is elated, and their laundry chores have halved.
This is what Gran had to say after 6 weeks:
“Many, many thanks for helping us. We never thought that it would happen as Alex has been wet all his life and used lesser quality clip on alarms and medication.He is still very nervous, but as each dry night passes by, his confidence is gaining, especially as he now occasionally gets up to go to the bathroom.”
Award-winning Nightollie Program, with bell and pad alarm, is a safe, reliable and sustainable bedwetting solution for teenagers.
Know that the solution is only a click away.
Connect with the Nightollie nurse to show you the way.
Has bedwetting affected someone you know?