Theo was 5 years old, a healthy, happy and active child. He was a great sleeper, but suffered bedwetting and sometimes wet 3 times a night. His mum received well-meaning advice from a friend.
“Get rid of the night nappies. Once he feels the cold and the wet, he’ll soon stop wetting.”
She tried, but the bedwetting did not cease. The laundry increased, the unsightly smells irritated, and disturbed sleep brought the family to the steps of exhaustion. The advice was destructive.
Children such as Theo suffer Nocturnal Enuresis. They sleep so soundly that self-rousing is impossible. Most will grow out of it. Some will not. Theo’s mum contacted me. My advice?
“Leave the night nappy on. Enable yourself and Theo to get some much needed sleep, and reduce those stress-inducing piles of laundry. If the problem persists when Theo turns seven, we’ll address the bedwetting directly.” Many children will begin to experience dry night nappies from the age of 3. It may take a little longer for some, and bedwetting may return for no apparent reason (Secondary Nocturnal Enuresis), or when the child experiences a significant change such as starting school. Again, utilising night nappies to assist with comfort, minimising laundry, and gaining sleep should be priority.
Children under 7 who suffer Nocturnal Enuresis find it extremely difficult to rouse to an alarm, which is required with the Nightollie Program. And those that may find some success will most likely relapse or fail. Sleep is more important at this age than having dry beds, so stick with the night nappies.
Theo’s mum adopted my advice – for a period. When Theo turned 6, some nights produced dry nappies. Theo celebrated the odd dry night, and his mum decided to remove the night nappies and hope for the best. But too often he regressed. As much as Theo tried, he could not wake to go to the toilet.
Theo is now 7 and about to begin the Nightollie Program. When the family is motivated and the home situation is ready, our success rate is 98%. Some children can achieve success within 3 weeks, others may need 6-8 weeks. But continuous dry nights is yours with the Nightollie Program.